Sam + Asher's Rustic Country Engagement in Coldwater, Michigan

Sam and Asher had me out to their incredibly lovely property a couple years ago to photograph their engagements in Coldwater. I was so excited because it combined so many of my favorite elements in one place! Dilapidated rusty barn perfection, forest, field, and a small shallow lake, I was literally in heaven. Not only was their property so great but Sam and Asher were pretty amazing to work with as well! Their natural connection and lovey-ness made for some really great shots. Prepare yourselves, because this is quite a large post BUT I don't think doing a small one would be feasible, there were just too many photos I LOVED from this session! 

Brittany + Cory Snowy Coldwater MIchigan Engagement Session

Brittany + Cory

So, you know Michigan, whenever you're depending on the weather for something it does the exact opposite. Brittany and Cory had their hearts set on a snowy session and we had hardly any at all the whole winter. We FINALLY were graced with a bit at the end of February and I knew the only way we'd catch it was with a sunrise session. They chose to do it at their own property with their two adorable dogs (even their barn kitties made an appearance!) It's a long post but how could I resist not posting SO MANY amazing photos!?!